Create reminder
You can create reminders on your phone.
1Find "Reminders"
- Press Reminders.
2Create new reminder
- Press Reminders.
- Press the text input field below "Reminders" and key in the required text.
3Add alarm
- Press the information icon next to the required reminder.
- Press the indicator next to "Remind me on a day" or the indicator next to "Remind me at a location" until the function is turned on.
- If you select Remind me on a day:
- Press Alarm.
- Drag the date, hours and minutes upwards or downwards to set the required time.
- If you select Remind me at a location:
- Press Location.
- Press Search or Enter Address.
- Key in the required search word and press the required location.
- Press When I arrive... or When I leave....
- Press Details.
4Set priority
- Press the required setting next to "Priority".
5Save reminder
- Press Done.
6Mark reminder as complete
- Press the field next to the reminder until the reminder has been marked as complete.
7View completed reminders
- Press Show Completed.
- A list of completed reminders is displayed.
8Return to the home screen
- Press the Home key to return to the home screen.