Activate Google account on phone

A Google account gives you access to Gmail, Google Play and Google+ on your phone. Remember, you need to set up your phone for internet and create a Google account on

Sony Xperia Z3 Compact
Sony Xperia Z3 Compact
Sony Xperia Z3 Compact
  • 1
    Find "Google"
    • Slide two fingers down the display starting from the top edge of your phone.
    • Press Settings.
    • Press Add account.
    • Press Google.
  • 2
    Start activation
    • Press Existing.
    • To create a new account: Press New. Follow the instructions on the display to create a new account.
  • 3
    Activate Google account
    • Key in the username for your Google account.
    • Press Password and key in the password for your Google account.
    • Press arrow right.
    • Press OK.
    • Follow the instructions on the display to select settings for your Google account.
  • 4
    Return to the home screen
    • Press the home icon to return to the home screen.