Use Google Maps
You can use Google Maps on your phone. To use Google Maps, you need to set up your phone for internet.
1Find "Maps"
- Press Apps.
- Press Maps.
2Find destination
- Press the search field and key in the required search word.
Press the required destination.
Drag two fingers together or apart to zoom in or out.
3Save favourite destination
- Press the destination at the bottom of the screen.
- Press SAVE.
- Press the required setting.
- If you select NEW LIST, follow the instructions on the screen to create a new list.
4Plan route to destination
- Press the required mode of transportation.
- Press the required route.
5Start GPS navigation
- Press START.
- The travel information at the bottom of the screen shows your travel time, estimated time of arrival and distance to destination.
6End GPS navigation
- Press the end icon to end navigation.
7Return to the home screen
- Press the Home key to return to the home screen.